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Asphalt Patching

Asphalt and Pothole Repair

The best way to extend the life of your asphalt and to maintain its integrity is through a regular maintenance regimen. Repairing your asphalt failures as they occur will help prevent large, expensive repairs in the future, as well as avoiding dangerous trip and safety hazards from damaging potholes. The most common causes of
deterioration of asphalt is natural oxidation by natural elements like the sun, rain, and cold, as well as the accumulation of water in low areas, excessive weight loads on the asphalt for extended periods of time, and the destructive effects of leaked oil and gasoline. Over time, the accumulation of water will cause pavement to
start cracking, leading to “alligator” cracking aka asphalt fatigue. Excessive weight can cause the asphalt to sink, and oil and gasoline that seep into the asphalt can cause further deterioration. Depending on the extent of the damage and budget different repair options are available.


Asphalt Repair: Full Depth Patch vs. Cold Patching

The first option is a full depth patch, often referred to as remove and replace, which would always be recommended in areas that have severe damage where the underlying base is deteriorating and compromised. The process for this method of repair is to start by squaring off the area that requires repair and saw cutting clean, straight edges. The old and damaged asphalt is removed entirely. The underlying base will be inspected, removed if necessary with new stone added beneath, and compacted in preparation for the new asphalt. Lastly, fresh asphalt hot mix is added and rolled or vibrated to compaction.

The other option is known as cold-patching. It is typically not considered a permanent repair if using a residential product, but rather a terrific way to temporarily patch a dangerous pothole that occurs. However, we only use a commercial grade cold patch product called Aquaphalt. This product is an asphalt mix that hardens when activated by water and is guaranteed by the manufacturer to last at least 3 years. The process for a cold patch is to place a cold asphalt mix into the repair area, activate it, and then hand tamp or plate compact it to compaction. In the past, these patches were the less desirable method of repair due being a 2-to-4-month temporary fix. Now, with products like Aquaphalt and the longevity of the warranty, they are a very viable method of patching without the enormous price tag.


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Image by Alex Woods

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